Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Lucia Over Soon?

One week into December and I have seen 4 Lucia-trains. The Swedish crowd over here really love their traditions.

After Thanksgiving we shopped for pretty much all weekend. Sunday after was 1st of advent, but I don´t need to tell all of you Swedes that. This past week was busy. Tuesday I went to After Work with SACC YP (Young Professionals), to this place called Dirty Martini. I had Dirty Martini and Dirty Sliders (Sliders are tiny burgers). I met some new and some old faces. I did forget my business cards as always but I found around half of them in the member directory later on. Too of them worked as mormon missionaries in Stockholm, and I met them in church this sunday again. They seem nice, so probably I will get to meet them again.

Thursday SACC DC and Ericson had a christmas party, inviting almost 200 of their members to the House of Sweden, and treating their guests to Julbord, Glögg, Champagne and short lectures from the Federal Commission of Communication, Ericson PR department and their campaign The Networked Society. I met a nice woman called Leslie and found out she lives just next door to me. She has worked at Merill Lynch and Lehman for almost 10 years and recently decided to become a diplomat. Fresh out of school, she has learned arabic and turned finance into politics, and she is waiting to be posted at any U.S. embassy in the world. I think its impressing, and I would love to get to know her better before she leaves. I also met some Swedes and German there and got to talk more with the swedish wife club; Swedish girls, including Linda, the receptionist at the embassy, that are married to Americans. I was 2 numbers, out of 200, from winning VIP tickets to Red Skins. But who am I kidding. Winning would be very out of character. Me and Leslie walked home afterwards and For proof, check out

Friday Johans friends arrived and we had a party at his house. First we went to a lebanese (non-alcoholic) restaurant and ate Saj and smoked Hookah. Then we went home to Johan and what started out with a football night ended with a full blown party. All of the guys in the house invited their friends and we had a lot of fun.

Saturday I went up early to work for SWEA and sell christmas trolls at their annual Bazar. You can read about it at Swedishscene as well. Susanne, a friend of mine who is writing the blog, is much better at updating the blog than I am. I put on my santa hat and me and Therese managed to sell santas for $5000. I saw two Lucia processions. At 6 I was pretty beat. I went straight home to Joakim, Nils and Rikard, changed my socks, and we had Martinias and made Trivias for eachother. Later we went to BlackFinns where my friend Melissa had a Christmas party. There was a rumor that the Caps (Washington Capitols), including Nicklas Bäckström, would show up, but no luck there. Maybe next time.

Sunday me and Therese went to Scandinavian Church for Advent-Högmässa (eller nåt). It was beautiful anyway. I planned on walking there because it was a beautiful day and 45 min before the mass started I realized it would take longer to walk there. So I ran, 5 km. And along the way I ran past the manager of House of Sweden. She is Swedish and married to an American. I caught up with her car at church, all sweaty and stressed, and she just laughed at me. I saw my 4th Lucia train for the weekend and I was only a little disappointed that they didn't ask me once, to be in one. After church me and Therese went for pizza and Margaritas at Cafe Luna on P and 14th. My lever just hadn't had enough.

Today is wednesday, so that makes for another 3 days not accounted for.

Monday - Back at work with a lot to do. Christmas is here before you know it and many projects have deadlines. I am head of the directory, database communication task force, eCurrents special and christmas edition, regional chamber mapping, Cleantech coordination, website content restructuring, and most importantly, member recruiting. Cash is king. After work me and Therese went for a long run around the bridges.

Tuesday - I tricked the office, Linda in the reception, and Johan and his friends, to go the the free show at Millenium Stage i Kennedy Arts Center. The restaurant was shit, the wine was expensive and the show, Chapel Ringers, a handbell choir from Ohio, was comically boring. We sat through three bell-christmas-songs, and then we left.

Today is my me-day. I have thoroughly enjoyed it!

Hope you are all alright!

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